Understanding the Pitfalls for Affiliate Marketing
Copyright © Frank Novak
While work at home moms are often the favorite target for Internet scammers, website owners are a close second. You own a website and are possibly paying a bit of money to keep the site running. Do you not wish you could make some money with the website you work so hard to maintain? Imagine how wonderful it would be if you could you’re your hobby into a real business that would not only pay for itself, but even offer you a few extras that could be put to good use for the kids, or your family. To a webmaster, affiliate marketing is almost always the answer to this dilemma. In and of itself, affiliate marketing is a wonderful opportunity share in the profits of a reputable company by displaying their links and banners, and allowing interested parties to visit those sites and perhaps purchase a product. When they do so, the company will often offer you a small percentage of the sale as a finder’s fee.
Yet there is a bit of a seedy underbelly to the affiliate marketing industry that will actually jeopardize your good name as a webmaster and will also result in payouts that are pennies on the dollar. For example, have you ever been surfing the web only to suddenly stumble across a website that touts an amazing nutritional supplement that does it all? Weight loss for the overweight, hair growth for the bald, an increased sexual stamina for those lacking it and a host of other items are cured or corrected with a pill after breakfast, lunch and dinner. These miracle cures are touted on the website via a long list of testimonials, and you can almost always recognize the feel of these sites simply by the long list of text they sport,the
varying fonts employed, and also the different colors these words are written in. you may simply shrug your shoulders at such a site until – about halfway down – you see a copy of a commission check the webmaster has posted and suddenly he or she has your undivided attention. The check is small enough to be realistic yet big enough to have you consider what you could to with the money and how it could ease the tension at home from lack of disposable income.
When you are hooked, the spiel usually involves a site owner who is so successful that he or she has decided to take on two or three qualified novices and train them to do the business as well. This involves selling the miracle product to your friends and neighbors and then just sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in. Additionally, you will need to post banners on your website. What has just happened, in a nutshell, is an affiliate scam that ties your success directly into a ulti-level marketing scheme. While your links will attract more interested parties to the originator’s website, you are meanwhile alienating your friends and families by the legal drugs you are peddling. This is not what affiliate marketing is all about, and it is important that you understand the implications of your putting links or banners of any business on your website.
About the Author:
Frank Novak-Affiliate Marketer
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
Time Management Tools for Those Earning Extra Income At Home
Time Management Tools for Those Earning Extra Income At Home
Copyright © Frank Novak
Working at home to earn some extra income is a blessing for most, but for some it can become a nightmare in very little time. While it may seem odd that you need to incorporate time management tools in your effort to make ends meet by simply working from a location where you are already – your home – it is imperative that you remember that structured time will be by far more productive than simply working as the mood hits you. Similarly, if you are not on the top of your game with simple time management devices, you might quite possibly find yourself at the end of the day with precious little to show for the deadlines you need to meet the next morning. Miss a few deadlines, and the odds are that you will lose that wonderful business opportunity that allows you to earn extra income while working at home.
Time management tools are greatly varied, depending on your needs. Thus, it is quite possible to create a plan that works for you individually as well as for the task you will be performing. To this end, quite possibly the most important technique that will help you to remain focused while earning the extra income is to set an objective for each day that you have work to do at home. Define your goal for the, identify which projects need to be completed and how you need to pace yourself to see them through to completion. The easiest way to achieve this is simply by breaking down your project into its varied components, assigning time values to them and then meeting these deadlines one at a time. The small sense of accomplishment you will feel when you achieve one or more of the deadlines will go a long ways to ensuring that you do not suffer from burnout or other frustrations which will take the joy out of earning extra income.
One of the most overlooked time management tools for those working earning income is the schedule and calendar. It is not enough to simply block out a period time that you will use to work, but you will need to augment this block with reminders, as well as frequent breaks; after all, earning extra income simply means that you have another source of income and working two jobs may be more than you bargained for when you took on this opportunity. Adding frequent breaks to your schedule is a good idea. This also permits you to interact with friends and family who will not mind the extra income you are earning as long as it does not interfere with your ability to also spend time with them. In the long run, this form of scheduling will benefit you as much as it benefits them.
About the Author:
Frank Novak-Affiliate Marketer
I'm Giving Away Free Level 1 Positions ($47 Value). I'll Pay Your Way In
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Copyright © Frank Novak
Working at home to earn some extra income is a blessing for most, but for some it can become a nightmare in very little time. While it may seem odd that you need to incorporate time management tools in your effort to make ends meet by simply working from a location where you are already – your home – it is imperative that you remember that structured time will be by far more productive than simply working as the mood hits you. Similarly, if you are not on the top of your game with simple time management devices, you might quite possibly find yourself at the end of the day with precious little to show for the deadlines you need to meet the next morning. Miss a few deadlines, and the odds are that you will lose that wonderful business opportunity that allows you to earn extra income while working at home.
Time management tools are greatly varied, depending on your needs. Thus, it is quite possible to create a plan that works for you individually as well as for the task you will be performing. To this end, quite possibly the most important technique that will help you to remain focused while earning the extra income is to set an objective for each day that you have work to do at home. Define your goal for the, identify which projects need to be completed and how you need to pace yourself to see them through to completion. The easiest way to achieve this is simply by breaking down your project into its varied components, assigning time values to them and then meeting these deadlines one at a time. The small sense of accomplishment you will feel when you achieve one or more of the deadlines will go a long ways to ensuring that you do not suffer from burnout or other frustrations which will take the joy out of earning extra income.
One of the most overlooked time management tools for those working earning income is the schedule and calendar. It is not enough to simply block out a period time that you will use to work, but you will need to augment this block with reminders, as well as frequent breaks; after all, earning extra income simply means that you have another source of income and working two jobs may be more than you bargained for when you took on this opportunity. Adding frequent breaks to your schedule is a good idea. This also permits you to interact with friends and family who will not mind the extra income you are earning as long as it does not interfere with your ability to also spend time with them. In the long run, this form of scheduling will benefit you as much as it benefits them.
About the Author:
Frank Novak-Affiliate Marketer
I'm Giving Away Free Level 1 Positions ($47 Value). I'll Pay Your Way In
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
About the Author:
Frank Novak-Affiliate Marketer
I'm Giving Away Free Level 1 Positions ($47 Value). I'll Pay Your Way In
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Making the Most of a Business Opportunity
Copyright © Frank NovakThe Internet is home of the business opportunity ad. While some are not legit, others do have the potential of netting you a pretty penny. Once you have found such an opportunity, it is important that you make the most of it– but to do so wisely, you will need to observe a few tips and tricks that will not only help you to earn money, but also protect you from losing any of your hard earned cash in the process. When you are starting out in pursuit of your business opportunity, you will need to juggle your full time job and your extracurricular pursuit.
While it might be tempting to throw caution to the wind, quit your job and pursue the opportunity full time, it is extremely unwise to do so. You will still have bills, and if you have a family, it is unfair to expect them to suddenly make do without the little extras they have come to appreciate. Instead, go ahead and work your regular job while expanding on your business opportunity. This will prevent you from having to give up after a few unsuccessful months with maxed out credit cards.
Building a business takes time, and if you involve friends and family, you will probably be able to do so a lot faster. Of course, this should not mean that you try to peddle your nutritional supplements that are part of the business you are building at every family reunion. Instead, you might be able to involve some family members in the business end itself. Do you need help with taxes? Maybe an aunt is good at doing them! Do you have questions about licenses and insurance?
If you have a stay at home dad who is willing to do some work in exchange for a bit money, these headaches could be taken away from you. In short, rare is the entrepreneur who makes money all by her or himself from the basement, yet plentiful is the entrepreneur who – with the help of friends and family – succeeded!
Your business opportunity requires exposure, yet there is more to advertising than paying for a three by five ad in the local rag. Instead, attend trade shows, hand out flyers, print up business cards (not the free ones that carry another company’s logo on the back) and network with other entrepreneurs. Do not stay home when you are trying to build a business, but instead go to where the business world is located and get out the word! This ensures that you will truly make the most of your business opportunity without having to spend money you may not yet have earned on costly advertisements that may not be as effective as you had hoped.
While it might be tempting to throw caution to the wind, quit your job and pursue the opportunity full time, it is extremely unwise to do so. You will still have bills, and if you have a family, it is unfair to expect them to suddenly make do without the little extras they have come to appreciate. Instead, go ahead and work your regular job while expanding on your business opportunity. This will prevent you from having to give up after a few unsuccessful months with maxed out credit cards.
Building a business takes time, and if you involve friends and family, you will probably be able to do so a lot faster. Of course, this should not mean that you try to peddle your nutritional supplements that are part of the business you are building at every family reunion. Instead, you might be able to involve some family members in the business end itself. Do you need help with taxes? Maybe an aunt is good at doing them! Do you have questions about licenses and insurance?
If you have a stay at home dad who is willing to do some work in exchange for a bit money, these headaches could be taken away from you. In short, rare is the entrepreneur who makes money all by her or himself from the basement, yet plentiful is the entrepreneur who – with the help of friends and family – succeeded!
Your business opportunity requires exposure, yet there is more to advertising than paying for a three by five ad in the local rag. Instead, attend trade shows, hand out flyers, print up business cards (not the free ones that carry another company’s logo on the back) and network with other entrepreneurs. Do not stay home when you are trying to build a business, but instead go to where the business world is located and get out the word! This ensures that you will truly make the most of your business opportunity without having to spend money you may not yet have earned on costly advertisements that may not be as effective as you had hoped.
About the Author:
Frank Novak-Affiliate Marketer
I'm Giving Away Free Level 1 Positions ($47 Value). I'll Pay Your Way In
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Are Home Based Businesses Encouraging Social Isolation?
Copyright © Frank Novak
Sociologists have studied what has been termed “cocooning” very carefully since the explosion of the world wide web. Cocooning is the process of social isolation where a society withdraws from physical interaction with each other. This “hermit-like” behavior can lead to the decline of many cultural and social traditions. Cocooning also affects the way we interact with other when do finally leave the house and meet face to face.
The availability and popularity of the internet has changed the way that humans communicate and interact. We can spend hours in chat rooms pretending to be beautiful, successful and brilliant when in fact we are average looking, overweight and unemployed. The person at the other end of the keyboard has no way of verifying our claims or disproving them.
Discussion over the internet removes an essential aspect of communication: body language. Such things as posturing, fidgeting and eye contact all are unconscious transmitters of our true intentions. We learn as small children not to make eye contact when telling a lie and to cross our arms to distance ourselves from unpleasant people or situations. As of today, the computer screen has no way of converting these communication skills into data that can be observed as overtones in the written text of a conversation.
This cocooning may affect the communication skills of future generations. While excelling at expressing themselves through the written word, our children may lack the skills to give a convincing speech in public of carry on a comfortable conversation while waiting in line at the grocery store. Some youth even use text messaging to communicate when they are in the same room.
The prevalence of home based businesses may be in part due to this preference for cocooning and nonverbal communication. It is perfectly acceptable to home school your children, run a business from your home, email your mother and fax your clients. You can even order a pizza, shop for a birthday gift and have your groceries delivered: all without any verbal communication.
As in everything in life, a balance is needed. If you email your mother today, call her tomorrow and visit her on the weekend. If you work from home, make time to visit the park. Join social groups rather that internet message forums. Limit the amount of time that your children use the internet and cell phone for text messaging. Encourage teens to take a speech or debate class along with that computer programming class when signing up for college courses.
Many great social traditions like wedding rituals and back yard barbeques may someday soon be in danger of extinction. We all must do our part to keep the spark of social interraction alive for future generations.
About the Author:
Frank Novak-Affiliate Marketer
I'm Giving Away Free Level 1 Positions ($47 Value). I'll Pay Your Way In
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Copyright © Frank Novak
Sociologists have studied what has been termed “cocooning” very carefully since the explosion of the world wide web. Cocooning is the process of social isolation where a society withdraws from physical interaction with each other. This “hermit-like” behavior can lead to the decline of many cultural and social traditions. Cocooning also affects the way we interact with other when do finally leave the house and meet face to face.
The availability and popularity of the internet has changed the way that humans communicate and interact. We can spend hours in chat rooms pretending to be beautiful, successful and brilliant when in fact we are average looking, overweight and unemployed. The person at the other end of the keyboard has no way of verifying our claims or disproving them.
Discussion over the internet removes an essential aspect of communication: body language. Such things as posturing, fidgeting and eye contact all are unconscious transmitters of our true intentions. We learn as small children not to make eye contact when telling a lie and to cross our arms to distance ourselves from unpleasant people or situations. As of today, the computer screen has no way of converting these communication skills into data that can be observed as overtones in the written text of a conversation.
This cocooning may affect the communication skills of future generations. While excelling at expressing themselves through the written word, our children may lack the skills to give a convincing speech in public of carry on a comfortable conversation while waiting in line at the grocery store. Some youth even use text messaging to communicate when they are in the same room.
The prevalence of home based businesses may be in part due to this preference for cocooning and nonverbal communication. It is perfectly acceptable to home school your children, run a business from your home, email your mother and fax your clients. You can even order a pizza, shop for a birthday gift and have your groceries delivered: all without any verbal communication.
As in everything in life, a balance is needed. If you email your mother today, call her tomorrow and visit her on the weekend. If you work from home, make time to visit the park. Join social groups rather that internet message forums. Limit the amount of time that your children use the internet and cell phone for text messaging. Encourage teens to take a speech or debate class along with that computer programming class when signing up for college courses.
Many great social traditions like wedding rituals and back yard barbeques may someday soon be in danger of extinction. We all must do our part to keep the spark of social interraction alive for future generations.
About the Author:
Frank Novak-Affiliate Marketer
I'm Giving Away Free Level 1 Positions ($47 Value). I'll Pay Your Way In
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